On Saturday, Nov. 30th, Joel Plaskett totally wowed a sold out crowd at the Mary Webb Centre for the Arts with his incredibly unique show. It was a stage performance that the MWC has never seen before. Joel is a wonderful story teller, singer and musician playing a multitude of stringed instruments. The crowd was made up largely of folks aged between 30 and 50 who had obviously seen and heard Joel before, often starting to sing along to many of his songs without any prompting from him. His merchandise table was continually busy before the concert, at intermission and following the show, keeping Joel busy till well past 11:00 pm. An awesome show and we certainly hope that he will soon return to Highgate. He loved playing at the Mary Webb Centre.
Special thanks to Joel’s sound and stage equipment man Steve “Snickers” Smith and to our sound technician Joel Morningstar. Also we are very appreciative of our concert sponsors Dr. Kathryn Ashton and Dr. Paul Newman, Optometrists in Ridgetown.
Joel Plaskett and MWC Music Director Peter Garapick