Support our Pane-Staking Endeavour

A pane-staking endeavour

It’s been 15 years since The Mary Webb Centre opened its doors in 2010, doors that first opened in 1918 - 107 years ago! The stately old building has seen a lot of care and attention from the team at The Mary Webb Centre in the past 14 years, but one product was too daunting - until now. The extraordinary 106 year old stained glass dome that brilliantly hovers overhead in the concert hall is in need of an expert restoration. 

It took years to find engineers who were able and willing to remove the fragile and intricate glass structure from its ceiling eyrie and just as long to locate the stained glass experts capable of disassembling, cleaning and reassembling over 2,000 pants of glass to its former resplendence. Delightfully, and conveniently, Ontario’s best stained glass artisans are located just down the country road in Blenheim, Ontario - Magnolia Stained Glass! 

This is not a simple undertaking and we’re asking for your support to complete the restoration and have the dome reinstalled in the Summer of 2025. A $25 donation helps restore each of the over 2,000 unique glass panes, bringing us closer to our goal and recreating the stunning kaleidoscopic display.

Join us in this pane-staking endeavour to bring the amazing display of colour and glass back to The Mary Webb Centre. Donate $25 a pane today - 1, 5, 10 or more at a time!

All donations are eligible for a tax receipt; The Mary Webb Centre is a registered Not for Profit.

We would like your support to refurbish the dome.
$25 a pane will help bring it home!

Donate Online

E-transfers can be sent to:
Password Question: Mrs. Webb’s First Name
Answer: Mary

PLEASE NOTE: To receive a tax receipt, you MUST include your address in the “Memo” section of the eTransfer order.

By Mail

Cheques can be sent to:
The Mary Webb Centre
P.O. Box 30
87 Main Street West
Highgate, ON. N0P 1T0

PLEASE NOTE: To receive a tax receipt, please ensure your address is on the cheque.  


Please contact us to arrange a date and time that is convenient for you. 

We are located at 87 Main Street West, Highgate

The removal, restoration and re-installation of the Stained Glass Atrium Dome at The Mary Webb Centre is made possible by the generous support of:


Ontario Trillium Foundation ($139,600)

  • Stained Glass Atrium Dome ($104,635.63)
  • Installation of carpet in Concert Hall (34,964.37)


Councillor Ward Funding Program

  • John Wright, Ward 3 Councillor ($2,500)
  • Steve Pinsonneault, MPP, Former Ward 3 Councillor ($2,500)

Together CK

  • Municipal Grant ($10,000)


Individual Donors

  • ($15,021.97)