Make a date with The Laws, a Canadian folk-grass pair, and get engaged yet again by great music at The Mary Webb Centre. Alongside the generosity of Kearney Planters, we present for a third time, John & Michele Law. The Laws are a husband and wife duo stunning audiences with a love-at-first-listen by way of their captive, vintage style. Their classic-folk sound gets married to a sweet but strong personal touch. We’ve seen this locally grown act from Wheatley before in 2012 with two visits on the MWC stage. The Laws have brought together their multiple talents and stripped country music down to the pure and simple basics, composing solid songs and adding rich harmonies.
This power couple are worth paying attention to. Critics are buzzing over comparisons to Ian & Sylvia, The Everly Brothers, and The Laws’ ability to set themselves apart from not only current trends in country music, but also how they run the show. Fiercely independent, they’ve operated without a team of managers or agents and only hire in PR as-needed. Fans and critics are agreeing that The Laws know how to make great original music, engage intimately with their fans and have been winning people over along their one million miles together as couple, musical ensemble, and business team. With 6 albums in the trunk after releasing the first one in 2000, this ambitious duo would sometimes perform at over 200 dates in just 1 year. It’s no surprise that takes an uncanny amount of passion and commitment.
In 2007, The Laws did Canada proud by being the first Canadians to score the top place in theMerlefest’s Chris Austin Songwriting Contest. Thank you again to Kearney Planters for ensuring we will have a performance guaranteed in advance to be nothing short of incredible according to their glowing press reviews and existing fans already won over in the Chatham-Kent area. So if you are looking for new music, give The Laws a chance to win you over and experience the fun and engaging venue of The Mary Webb Centre on Saturday May 24th.
Tickets are $25 in advance, $28 at the door. Available at