Title: WSO String Quintet – Proudly sponsored by South Kent WindDate: 2012-11-16
On Friday 16th November at 7.00pm, the Windsor Symphony Orchestra (WSO) returns to the Mary Webb Centre, 87 Main Street West, Highgate with a string quintet led by WSO Assistant Director Peter Wiebe. This is the first of another three-part WSO series.
A guest mezzo-soprano will join the musicians, introducing a bit of opera to the Mary Webb Centre stage for the first time. She will interpret the role of the femme fatale “Carmen” from Bizet’s world famous opera, with the emotional “Habanera and Seguidilla”. A bit of Broadway comes later with a heartfelt rendition of the beautiful “Somewhere” from Leonard Bernstein’s “West Side Story.”
Some popular selections to be performed by the string quintet alone include that super-catchy Mexican folk tune “La Bamba,” Leroy Anderson’s light-hearted but appropriately Latin “Blue Tango”, the country-style “Danse Villageoise” by Canadian Claude Champagne and two movements from Mozart in his signature “Eine Kleine Nachtmusik” (A Little Night Music)!
The double bass player will take a brief breather as the other four play one of the masterworks from that master of string quartet writing, Franz Joseph Haydn.
And there’s more “night music” in store: the music of Gershwin and of cellist Peter Wiebe together with more songs from a mezzo-soprano. Something for everyone!
Tickets to the WSO concerts at $25.00 or $10.00 for students are available online at www.cktickets.com or at selected retailers. Save by purchasing all three WSO tickets for only $60.00. Check out the ticket info page.